P&C Meetings

P&C Meetings are generally held every Tuesday at 7pm in week 3 and 8 during the school term. Week 3 meetings are via Zoom and week 8 meetings are in person at the school staffroom.

This is where your suggestions and opinions are directly shared with the school principal and P&C, making a tangible impact. We welcome and encourage everyone to speak their mind and share their ideas so we can make a significant difference. The greater the parent involvement, the greater the impact.

2024 P&C Meetings

Tuesday 13 February – virtual

Tuesday 19 March (AGM followed by General Meeting) – staffroom

Tuesday 14 May – virtual

Tuesday 18 June – staffroom

Tuesday 6 August – virtual

Tuesday 10 September – staffroom

Tuesday 29 October – virtual

Tuesday 3 December – staffroom

Everyone is welcome!

You do not need to be a member of the P&C to attend a meeting. If you would like to become a member, please click on https://wakehurst-pc.square.site to pay the $1 membership fee. P&C members are eligible to vote at their second meeting and receive meeting notifications, minutes and agendas via email.

To join or if have any questions please email: secretary@wpspandc.com